What a crazy year 2020 was. The holidays were no different with unprecedented suggestions for celebrating with family and friends. Somehow we made it through, but we always do, right?! For the first time in many years, we were able to spend time with our whole family and happily kept things pretty chill. We skipped all gifts and focused on each other. <3
Snow showed up just in time to make a sparkling wonderland. Our little peepers in the coop weren’t so sure about wandering into the white abyss, but Pharoah and Pheonix knew they would find breakfast on the back deck.

I traditionally set up decor in late November because I just adore the color and twinkle. It feels so cozy and cheerful as the darkness of season envelopes us. I didn’t finish my Forest Therapy dissertation until the second week of December, so that’s when our tree went up. It felt like a little celebration at the end of a long, laborious journey.

Yule traditions in our home include a yule log. In previous years, I kept the cake a traditional chocolate delicacy. This year I put it a little spin on it and baked a hot cocoa sponge wrapped up in homemade peppermint marshmallow creme. So delicious. Mushrooms for extra magic.
The same night, we wrote down our worries and fears to burn in the fireplace. We also manifest our goals and dreams and send them all into the Universe. I’ve learned to never underestimate the power of an abundant mindset. Building our best lives means we wholly believe in our passion and purpose.

I made an attempt at wishing for a greenhouse roof. That didn’t go far though. LOL, hopefully we will have a few nice days to get it up. Crossing my fingers I can use it in a couple months, but there’s quite a bit of work to do still. I may resort to covering the rose arch with a poly cover to give me some extra growing space as seedlings get bigger.

We had a few days to fish and enjoy a couple beers on the ice. Had a few bites, but no keepers. Christmas Eve I fell on the ice in the driveway at the farm and have been nursing a tender back ever since. I wasn’t even screwing around like usual. Boo! Good thing for hot tea and stacks of books.

Christmas night I tore down the tree and most of the decor around the house. I am always ready to get some new projects started at this point and make room for New Year celebrations. We made some snacks, boozy oranges and popped champagne at midnight. So refreshing! A quick dance in the kitchen is tradition and then it was off to bed. Haha, surprised I made it to midnight at all. #gettingold

And just like that, it’s over in such a whirlwind. It all happened to fast. Completion of grad school, Yule and the beginning of 2021 is all behind us now. I set some intentions to enjoy more down time this year. Lets hope Spring is full of life. I think everybody is desperate for hope of new beginnings. Peace out 2020! Hello, 2021!