While grief is an inevitable part of life, processing it can be hard. Loss, sadness and sorrow are heavy emotions. There are, however, different stages of grief and beautiful botanicals to help us work through these times.
Grief has a tendency of settling into the heart and the lungs. The lungs are responsible for gas exchange, and the heart supplies our entire being with blood and oxygen. With our thoracic cavity housing both vital organs, we can quickly build up toxic load making our heartache even more difficult to bear. When our grief is so deep, we feel constriction, then place our hands on our chest and lean forward as our body softens and loses strength. Our breathing patterns become shallow and irregular. The pain rushes through us.
It’s not uncommon to face sinus congestion, upper respiratory discomforts, digestive woes and altered elimination after a tragic loss.
To balance this, we have plant allies to help us stay grounded, calm the overactive thinking and nervous responses, find strength and courage, energize our spirit, and find new hope. These botanicals pair wonderfully with independent self care sessions, shared with your loved ones and as an accompaniment to professional therapeutic experiences.

So no matter what type of loss you’re experiencing…a recent personal one…a collective feeling…old traumas and triggers you’ve buried for years…there is no wrong way to heal.
There is no promised timeline to feel better.
The process is not linear.
Make your own rules.
Don’t rush your healing.
Have all the feels.
Let them pass through you.
Take care of yourself.
Everything is going to be okay.