Living wild and free is a beautiful place to be, but it comes with work. Inner work. Outer work. Work in the light. Work in the dark. Sometimes it’s really dark, but coming out on the other side wiser, with more clarity and a deeper sense of our authentic self is surely worth it. While not all plants are for all people, all people are here on a pursuit to happiness. Happiness and love that dwells within that can be shared and multiplied in our family and friends. Peace that supports our purpose and can be felt within our careers, hobbies and charity work. Compassion that can be given to strangers, and most of all back to our Great Mother. She provides us with many options to support our path. Here’s a few botanicals to consider as you explore your true nature…

Intuitive Visualization
When searching for deeper meanings to our rituals and beliefs, much can be found in the practice of internal interpretation. Sometimes this is as simple as journaling your dreams or may be as expansive as astral projection. These herbs may require micro-dosing, a safe environment and a trusted professional or close friend to be on hand as they may produce psychedelic effects. It’s best to try ONE plant at a time to see how you respond. Take your time.
Mugwort is commonly found around most of North America and often used in gentler approaches to dream work. Some folks simply place it under their pillow to promote prophetic REM sleep while others use it in smudge sticks and energy cleansing. Bobinsana is native the the Amazon and is often used in shamanic work to enhance spiritual connections. It’s usually tinctured in alcohol or made into an strong decoction. Blue lotus is used as a sleep aid and anxiolytic (relieving anxiety) to support us letting our guard down. It also has been shown to offer activation of serotonin and dopamine in the gut and brain. More is not always better though, it can also induce vomiting. Kava, sometimes called Kava Kava, has similar actions but is from the Pacific Island region. It may be recommended to improve mood, balance behavioral upset, relieve depression and overall relax the body. Krantom is the most controversial plant here. Its often reviewed politically and medically for its psychotropic effects. It has been used by monks for generations to produce intense transcendence and euphoria.

Focus + Mental Acuity
As we open our minds to new ideas and possibilities in our life, its helpful to have a sharp edge on focus, concentration and clarity in dissecting their meaning. These herbs support the nervous system, the brain and spinal cord as well as the larger peripheral nervous system. Ginger and lemon balm can feel very bright and awakening. Rosemary is toted for its actions in improving and recalling memory. Ginkgo biloba and Gotu kola strongly support healthy cognitive functions and processing. Holy Basil, also called Tulsi, is one of the most powerful plants to offer protection and purification on our quest for higher consciousness. She has a profound spiritual history too if you’re interested in diving into it.

Deep Relaxation
After all that processing, its great to slow down and take a deep breath. Deep relaxation allows us to let go of our worries and inhibitions. It brings peace and contentment in times of uncertainty. Chamomile, Valerian, Hops and Passionflower are wonderful herbs to relax the body and may help you get to sleep if that’s your goal. Cedar leaves are wonderful when infused in an oil and topically applied to the skin. Many aromatherapists also recommend cedarwood essential oil to prepare for sleep.
Mucuna is not as common, but is a classic in Ayurvedic medicine (and popular supplement in treating Parkinson’s disease). It’s a creeping vine native to India, the Caribbean and tropical areas of Africa. It’s the same velvety bean that is used to make itching powder, but is much better suited when we need a boost of levadopa. Say what? Yes, levadopa or L-dopa is a precursor for the neurotransmitter dopamine and Mucuna offers it high concentrations. But wait there’s more! It also offers aphrodisiac, anti-pathogenic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-neoplastic effects (preventing abnormal cellular functions). Enjoy those calm, relaxing vibes!

Grounding + Awakening
Staying connected to our healing frequency is just as important the the lofty adventurous experiences we are chasing. As we process our awakening journey we can lean on lavender, peppermint, rosemary, bergamot and rose will support keeping a fresh mind and vivid state. They help us to keep humble roots and tend a grateful heart. Rose is a special one here…its important to recognize her very high healing frequency and incomparable beauty. She’s one of my favorites.

Balancing Energy
Ashwaghanda, reishi mushroom and schizandra berries are known as adaptogens. Adaptogens are botanicals that offer special support in negating stress, providing harmony within the body and offering longevity. They can be used daily to maintain amphoretic (normal, balanced, neutral) functioning. Ginseng is also an adaptogen and widely known for energizing the body. Skullcap and cacao have a long history in reducing tension, relaxing the overall being and ceremoniously honoring our sacred earthly experiences.

I hope this post has been helpful and encourages you to take another look at your passions, your purpose, the depths of your experiences in life. We are powerful beings and capable of miracles. I hope you feel that too.
As always, I’m here for comments and questions. Feel free to leave them below or send me an email. : )
Sending love,