Latin name: Astragalus membranaceus
Family: Fabaceae or legume family.
Folk/Alternative Names: Huang Qi, Milk-vetch Root, Yellow Leader, Young Man’s Ginseng
Image Credit: Restoration Seeds Image Credit: Asklepios Seeds Image Credit: Holotropic Herbs
Part of the Plant Used
Root, harvested from 4+ year old plants, sliced. Resembles a tongue depressor. Better quality roots have a yellow color.
Native to northeastern China, it’s long fibrous roots are the Asian equivalent of echinacea. Astragalus has been known to fortify the immune system on several levels, perhaps increasing the body’s production of interferon, natural killer cells and lymphocytes. There is evidence that it has shown to protect against the common cold, reduces water retention, lowers high blood sugar and high blood pressure.
This herb is beneficial to weakened individuals with night sweats, prolapsing organs, frequent infectious illnesses, poor digestion and nutritional status where there is a general lack of vitality.
TEXTURE – Small fern-like green foliage. Woody, fibrous roots
COLOR – Pale yellow to white flowers and root.
AROMA + FLAVOR – Slightly sweet.
- Glycosides
- Polysaccharides
- Triterpinoids (astragalosides I – VIII)
- Saponins
- Flavonoids
- Constituent formonometin.
- Adaptogenic
- Immunomodulating
- Anti-tumoral activity
- Promotes tissue regeneration
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antiviral
- Reno protectant
- Cardiotonic
- Diuretic
- Hypotensive
- Protects white blood cells during chemotherapy
- Antioxidant
- Antidiabetic
- Neuroprotective
- Pulmonary protective
- Hepatoprotective
Clinical: Astragalus is generally considered a tonic to the immune system and lungs. It’s often taken as a preventative for cold and influenza. One of its most important features is the ability to prevent and protect the body cells against damage and death from various toxins. It’s helpful in situations where the person is significantly deficient observed by fatigue, lack of appetite, diarrhea, ulcerations, numbness in the limbs, edema and spontaneous sweating or night sweats. Astragalus appears to be both a vasodilator and cardio-depressive in action. It is also amphoteric (acid and base attributes) on the immune system to help reduce sensitive and hypervigilant folks from developing autoimmune conditions.
In cancer patients receiving conventional chemotherapy treatments, astragalus has shown to be protective of the adrenal cortical functions and even inhibited cancer/tumor growths.
- Impaired immunity
- Prophylaxis of common cold and viral conditions
- Prevention of Shingles
- Chronic Immune Conditions
- CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
- Epstein Barr Virus
- Leukopenia (low white blood cell counts)
- Adjunct supplementation in cancer tx
- Cardiovascuar
- Ischemic heart disease
- Stable angina pectoris
- Arrhythmias
- Congestive Heart Failure
- Post-myocardial infarction
- “Tightness of the Chest”
- Respiratory
- Asthma
- Decreases mucus production
- Lowers inflammatory cytokines
- Pre-allergy season supplement
- Increases sperm motility
- Nephritis
- Night sweats
- Acute treatment of Lyme disease, apply salve after tick bite
- Protection from fibrotic scleroderma
- Decreased inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis
- Healing injuries to intestinal mucosa
- UVB sun induced aging
Folk: diarrhea, fever, lack of appetite, myocarditis, palpitations, paralysis, Post delivery problems, prolapse, uterine pain.
Energetics: sweet, moistening, slightly warming to circulate moisture.
Meridians/Organ Affinity: Spleen and lungs.
Not for use in acute infections. Astragalus may interact with medications that suppress the immune system, such as cyclophosphamide taken by cancer patients. Caution should be used in organ transplant patients and anyone taking lithium. Proper identification should be exercised when foraging astragalus as some species in the United States contain a neurotoxin swainsonine (toxic). Other species may contain nitrotoxins, or excessive selenium. Would not recommend if pregnant or breastfeeding.
DECOCTION: 1 heaping tablespoon or half stick of dried root per cup of water. Bring it to a boil and simmer for 10-15 minutes. To be drunk 3 times daily.
LIQUID EXTRACT: 1:4 dry plant liquid extract.
DROP DOSE: 20-60 drops 1-4 times per day in a little water.
TINCTURE: 4-8 mg three times a day (1:5 in 40%)
DROP DOSE: 10-60 drops 1-4 times per day in a little water.
- Can be added to soups or stews and removed prior to serving.
- Pairs well with Echinacea, Privet, Reishi, Goldenseal or other immuno-tonics .